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Leader Development

Leader Development

Developing leadership in your business is an investment necessary to ensuring continued growth and handling change of any kind. To do so, organizations need to continually identify, develop, nurture and retain leaders as part of an ongoing talent development strategy. Effectively building an appropriate leadership capacity requires careful consideration of the business environment and the maturity of your business.

Mentis Solutions can help you both identify and develop leader talent within your workforce through our Leader Development Solutions:

Leadership Identification and Development
Mentis will help you to identify people who will both grow your business and grow with your business, and create programs to engage them in making your business vision a reality.

Leader Coaching
Drawing from a global network of professional coaches, Mentis Solutions’ Leader Coaching services provide individual leaders with business coaching to achieve their potential in leader competencies, execution capacity, and business outcomes.

Succession Management
Future leaders must have broad-based experience to adapt their skills to a variety of possible opportunities. This means that succession planning needs to move beyond naming replacements or focusing on a single job or career path. Since succession plans are unique to each organization, a well-designed succession management process begins with an organization’s business strategy, corporate culture and values, ensuring you have the bench strength to fill future leader positions and accelerate organizational performance.

Performance Management
Mentis Solutions works with organizations and managers to develop the skills and competencies needed to execute a formal performance management process. Our offering includes competencies such as goal setting and establishing expectations, coaching for improved results, providing feedback, conducting performance reviews, and planning for individual development.

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